Sales funnel by Susana Lugo Ruiz

How to plan your Sales funnel

Marketing & Sales Management

Along our experience in Commercial & Sales Management, we have definitely found that planning each one of your sales opportunities is something quite relevant for being successful in sales, either in offline or online sales channel.

Sales funnel definition

It’s called a “funnel” because the number of people in the process is larger at the top and then narrows slightly each step of the process.

The sales funnel is divided into 3 main sections: the top, the middle, and the bottom.

Therefore, we leave some relevant 3 steps for managing your sales funnel: getting informationprovide information and getting commitment from your leads.


sales funnel

know your customer´s needsStep one

Getting information: essentially involves a genuine curiosity and openness to you customer´s business and needs, so you can finally bring them a key reason for doing business in a reliable partnership. Find out why your customers could be interested in buying you, a realistic competitive solution. Grasp their market, competition, operations, products/brands, organization, culture, strategy, people. Don’t forget to ask permission for visiting their factories and warehouse.

Get really involve !


sales funnelStep two

Provide information: implies to present and demonstrating your products/services to your customers but connecting with their needs & interest ! Show them most effectively way as possible how your solution matches their problems.

If there isn’t at least a slight common room, I suggest you to wait better opportunity. Selling as if you were tailoring a suit for your customer instead offering solutions as dispatcher. I believe one of most common mistakes in Sales, is to show to your customers. general corporate powerpoint presentations that perhaps help you keep your anxiety level under control while you are selling your service instead really listen to your customer. Have you been aware of how they get bored? You could be losing your sell opportunity !


to get customer commitment

Step three 

Getting commitment: Means resolving any doubt or uncertainties that your customer keep in their mind avoiding to buy you despite your solution matches quite good their needs. This is no only referring to manage customer’s objections, really refers to work together in a buy-sell process. Above all when your product is associated with any risk or requires a special effort from your customers.



Finally. these 3 steps of leading sales opportunities will not come always in the same sequence. You should customized your approach looking at your customer. Selling is a passionate but complex dynamic process between your customer and you. Often you will have to reach out more than one decision maker (influencers, supporters, stoppers, users) and listen to them !

Susana Lugo Ruiz

Director & Founder en ToEXECUTIVE

Consultoría Comercial
Contacta con nosotros

Consultoria Comercial y Ventas

